To see all the Organising Committees of the Festival, click here.


15th Children's Festival

Celebrating it's 15thα birthday, the Children's Festival took place from Monday 3 to Thursday 6 June 2024 and welcomed children, teachers and volunteers with great joy.

More specifically, they visited the 15thth Children's Festival

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 22nd, 24th, 27th, 28th, 32nd, 37th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 46th, 47th , 50th, 54th, 56th, 58th, 59th, 68th, 70th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd, 75th Kindergarten of Patras, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrachnaikon, the 1st Kindergarten of Obria, the 1st Kindergarten of Rio, the 1st Kindergarten of Paralia, the 2/ i Kindergarten of Mindiloglio, the 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikos, the 2nd and 3rd Kindergarten of Kato Achaia, the Kindergarten of Roitikon, the Kindergarten of Kaminion, the Kindergarten of Psathopyrgos, the Kindergarten of Mavromandila,the Aktaeo Kindergarten, Agios Vassiliou Kindergarten, Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, Lakkopetra Kindergarten, Araxos Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Special Kindergarten for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing, the "ID Municipal Kindergarten of the Municipality of Patras", the private kindergartens " The Butterflies", "The Little Boat of Patras Travels", "Wonderland", "All Around", "The Small Round" and "The Pink Balloon".


  • 146 students
  • 12 teachers
  • 1749 children
  • 64 schools
  • 24 visitors


29 thematic workshops were organized:

  • Storytelling
  • Tongue-releasing
  • Traditional songs and dances
  • Intercultural Education
  • Motor Games
  • Musical Tales
  • Circus Games
  • Traditional Games
  • Participate and Decide
  • Art of the Earth
  • The Bus
  • The land of colors
  • The land of colors and music
  • Colors and Imprints
  • Origami
  • UNICEF: The kids rights


In addition, the 15thth Children's Festival participated:

  • at the "Welcome to Up Fest" organized by the University of Patras to welcome first-year students [October 19-22, 2023].
  • at the event organized by TEDx Patras with the central theme “Bridging Within” [December 9, 2023]
  • in "1stth Christmas Children's Festival of the ALPHA PATRAS Group" [December 16-17]
  • at the Conference organized by T.E.E.A.P.H. for its 40 years of operation [February 20, 2024]


14th Children's Festival

For another educational and fun year, the 14th Children's Festival of T.E.E.A.P.H. was held from 6 to 9 June 2023 and welcomed children, teachers and volunteers with great joy. At the same time, during this magical academic year 2022-2023, the Festival did not stop there but:
-It participated in the event organized by TEDx Patras with the central theme "Metamorphosis" / "Metamorphosis" [October 8, 2022].
It Organize the Christmas Event (Cookie House and Christmas Craft/Decoration ) [December 16, 2022].
It held a training seminar with the speaker Vasia Tsotsou "Athens Bubble Society | Bubble Participatory Workshop: Participatory workshop for adults based on the idea of ​​playing with bubbles' [10 February 2023].
It gave an interview to Up Fm for the 14th Children's Festival of T.E.E.A.P.H. [June 3, 2023].
In particular, the Children's Festival was visited by:
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 28th, 32nd, 37th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 45th
46th, 50th, 52nd, 54th, 55th, 61st, 70th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd, 75th Kindergarten of Patras, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrachnaikon, the 1st Kindergarten of Obria, the 1st Kindergarten of Rio, the 1st Kindergarten of Paralia, the 2nd Kindergarten of Mindiloglio, the 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikos, Kindergarten of Roitikon, Kindergarten of Kaminion, Kindergarten of Manolada and Nea Manolada, Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, Special Kindergarten for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing, "ID Municipal Kindergarten of the Municipality of Patras", "Kindergarten Embrace", "Aerostato", "My playschool", "The land of wonders", "The little researchers", "The Butterflies" and "All around".
108 students
- 14 University teachers
1593 children
53 schools
12 visitors
23 thematic workshops were organized:
Renewable energy sources
-Story telling
Traditional songs and dances
Intercultural study
Mathematics researchers
The art of earth
The land of colors
The land of colors and music
Little scientists
Musical fairytales
Cisrcus games
Movement games
Game practices
The bus
Participate and decide
14ο παιδικο φεστιβαλ αφισα

13th Children's Festival

After two years of virtual operation of the Festival due to coronavirus, the 13th Children's Festival was held live from June 6 to 10, 2022 and welcomed children, teachers and volunteers with great joy. At the same time, during the academic year 2021-22, the Festival:
- organised a training seminar entitled “Messy Play: The sensory play that gets dirty! From theory to practice”
- offered a “Gingerbread Christmas” event
- presented its activities at the 7th Patras lnnovation Quest (PATRAS IQ) 2021
- participated in the event “Soft Skills for the Youth” within the Erasmus+ UPENSKILLS project, and
- at the 1st Panhellenic Conference “Volunteering from the University of Patras in society for solidarity, prosperity & sustainability”.

The schools that attended the 13th Children's Festival were: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 20th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 33rd, 37th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 45th, 46th, 47th, 50th, 54th, 61st, 65th, 71st and 72nd Kindergarten of Patras, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the Kindergarten of Kato Kastritsi, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the Myplayschool, the Gyro gyro oloi, the Pink Balloon, the Agalitsa Kindergarten, and the 6th Primary School of Nafpaktos.
We thank those who helped us in this great event: the Research Committee of the University of Patras, the Hellenic Red Cross Branch of Patras, the Hatoupis Raptis Butcher, Plaisio, Coffee Island, X-Frame, a Greek supermarket chain and, of course, D.E.S.E.C.E.

– 90 students
- 13 University teachers
– 1196 children
– 37 schools
– 29 parents /visitors
22 Workshops were organised with different themes: Renewable Energy Sources, Storytelling, Folk Songs and Dances, Intercultural Education, Mathematics Researchers, The Land of Colors, Puppet Theatre, Musical Fairy Tales, Circus Games, Playpracticum, Participate and Decide, Land Art.

Children_Festival_Poster (1)

12th Children's Festival

The 12 th Children’s Festival experimented with remote teaching!
This year, for one week, from June 7 to 11, 2021, on the Children's Festival YouTube channel: Children's Festival of D.E.S.E.C.E.(, all preschool children had the opportunity to watch in live streaming creative activities and to participate in workshops organized by the students of D.E.S.E.C.E. in collaboration with their teachers.
All the activities are now available to watch on demand in our YouTube channel. Additionally, during the 12 th Children’s Festival:
- we organised a Christmas event, for the students of DESECE and anyone interested,
- we hosted a webinar titled: STEM in kindergarten: ideas and applications, with Eleni Stavropoulou (D.E.S.E.C.E. graduate),
- a new workshop started titled «PlayPracticum» and we posted activities in our website, under the submenu Workshops, and
- the Children’s festival is now recognised as part of the Scientific Student’s Groups of the University of Patras.
We would like to thank for their contribution in organising the 12 th Children’s Festival: the DESEC and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial support, the company Plaisio (Patra’ s store) for product sponsorship, xFrame for hosting our website, Giorgos Pantelidis, creator and administrator of the website and the Blackmore’s Design House for the graphic design.


11th Children's Festival

What happens when suddenly a “tiny creature”, the now famous COVID 19, turns our planet upside down? Adults are beginning to understand the power that little ones can hide, and we are becoming much more creative!

This year we "visited" 101 schools and structures (as many as have visited us in the last ten years) to play with children in a different way… a virtual way. We created activities that children can play either at school or from home, whether with friends or alone, and we posted them on our website, in the WORKSHOPS menu. Now, thanks to the “tiny creature”, everyone can participate in the workshops of our Festival!

In addition, we have organised a Christmas event for the students of D.E.S.EC.E. open to everybody! We had the opportunity to meet each other and get "a little idea" about the Festival!

We would like to thank for their contributions in organising the 11th Children's Festival: the D.E.S.EC.E. and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial support, the Liaison Office of the University of Patras, the Kokkoni Bros. G.P. for product sponsorship, xFrame for hosting our website and Giorgos Pantelidis, creator and administrator of the website.


10th Children's Festival

The 10th Children’s Festival was held from 3th to 7th June 2019.

Throughout the academic year 2018-2019 we celebrated the 10 years of the Festival with a series of actions:

  • - we got a logo
  • - we renewed our website
  • - we organised a seminar on polymer clay and we trained 44 people
  • -we co-organised, with the Regional Department of the Hellenic Red Cross, Patras Branch, a First Aid Training Program for students of the University of Patras and teachers, and we certified 73 people
  • -we participated in the 6th Exhibition Patras IQ 2019

The Kindergartens schools that attended the 10th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 22th, 27th, 29th, 31st, 32nd, 37th, 40th, 42nd, 44th, 46th, 49th, 50th, 52th, 54th, 58th, 61st, 65th, 70th and the 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi’s Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Paralias, the 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the 1st Kindergarten of Rion, the Kindergartens of Lappa, Kaminion, Arlas, Tsoukaleikon, Drepanou and Kallitheas, the 2th Special Primary School, the 7th,14th and 16th Municipal Day Care Centres of Patras, the Day Care Centre of the Hospital P.G.N.P., the private Day Care Centers: “Aerostato”, “Petaloudakia”, “I Chora ton Thavmaton”, “To Rodi”, “O Naftilos”, “Gyro-gyro oloi”, “Mathaino, paizo, gelo”, and the “Mirko Karavi”.

We thank those who helped us in this great event: the Hellenic Red Cross Branch, the University of Patras Research Committee, the companies Exploratory Learning, Xframe, and Digital, Messrs. George Pantelidis, Thanassis Sakkoulis, Nikolaos Rigopoulos, Nikolaos Arvanitakis, Ioannis Gkokas and, of course, our department DESECE.


- 119 University students

- 13 University teachers

- 1774 Children

- 59 General and Special Schools

- parents

– 29 Workshops were organized with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Traditional Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide, Land Art, and Origami.


9th Children’s Festival

The 9th Children’s Festival was held from 4th to 8th June 2018.

This year, the organizing of a thematic workshop was established exclusively by the graduates of D.E.S.E.C.E. aiming at strengthing the relationships between the Department and his/her graduates..

The Kindergartens schools that attended the 9th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 21st, 22th, 25th, 27th, 29th, 30rd, 31st, 32nd, 33th, 37th, 39th, 40th, 42st, 44th, 45th, 46th, 49th, 54th, 56th, 58th, 60th, 61st, 68th, 70th, 71st and the 72nd Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi’s Kindergarten, the 3rd and 4th Kindergarten of Paralias, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st and the 3rd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st Kindergarten of Kaminion, the 1st Kindergarten of Rion, the 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the Kindergarten of Lousikon, the Kindergarten of Araxos Airport, the Kindergarten of Mintilogli, the Kindergarten of Psathopyrgos, the Kindergarten of Tsoukaleikon, the Kindergarten of Roitikon, the Kindergarten of Lakkopetras, the Kindergarten of Arlas, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the private Day Care Centers: “I Chora ton Thavmaton”, “To mikro Gyri”, “O Naftilos” and the “Aerostato”.

We thank the Patras Branch of the Greek Red Cross for their support and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial contribution.


- 118 University students

- 10 University teachers

- 1787 Children

- 62 Schools

- parents

27 Workshops were organized with different themes: Renewable Energy Sources, Storytelling, Folk Songs and Dances, Intercultural Education, Researchers of Mathematics, The Land of Colours, Motor Games, Musical Tales, Circus Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide, Land Art, and Origami.


8th Children’s Festival

The 8th Children’s Festival was held from 5th to 9th June 2017.

This year two charities visited our festival, the Ark of Love and the Smile of the Child Temenis Aigiou.

The schools that attended the 8th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22th, 24th, 27th, 28th, 30rd, 32nd, 33th, 37th, 41st, 44th, 45th, 53rd, 54th, 56th, 60th, 61st, 66th, 67th, 68th, 69th, 70th and the 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st Kindergarten of Kaminion, the 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the Kindergarten of Lousikon, the Kindergarten of Araxos Airport, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the private Day Care Centers “the Wonderland”, “To mikro Gyri”, “Ta Petaloudakia”, “O Naftilos” and the 53rd Primary School of Patras.

The Greek Red Cross was once again on our side.

For the first time, we participated in two big events: the Patras IQ and the Achaia fest!


- 96 University students

- 14 University teachers

- 1619 Children

- 50 Schools

- 2 charitable and non-profit organisations

- parents

- 24 Workshops were organised with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Tongue-untied, Motor Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide.


7th Children’s Festival

The 7th Children’s Festival was held from 30th May to 3rd June 2016.

This year we were pleased to welcome 30 refugee children, who traveled from Myrsini Ilia to participate in the creative activities of the Festival.

The publicity of the Festival was great and the national TV channel ERT1 dedicated 10 minutes of reportage to us!

The Greek Red Cross support us again this year.

The schools that attended the 7th Children's Festival were: the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 28th, 32nd, 33rd, 39th, 44th, 45th, 46th, 54th, 56th, 58th, 60th, 61st, 66th, 69th, 70th, 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the 1st and 3rd Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the Kindergarten of Mintilogli, the Kindergarten of St. Vasileios, the Kindergarten of Psathopyrgos, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, and the private Day Care Centers “the Wonderland” and “To mikro Gyri”.


- 123 University students

- 11 University teachers

- 1429 Children

- 41 Schools

- 18 Workshops were organised with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Traditional Games, Puppets Theatre for Everyone.


6th Children’s Festival

The 6th Children’s Festival was held from 2nd to 5th June 2015.

This year's participation in schools was impressive for its 4 days. The Greek Red Cross participated voluntarily this year as well.

The 9th and the 14th Municipal Day Care Centres of Patras, the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 33th, 37th, 44th 46th, 51st, 54th, 56th, 59th, 69th, 70th and 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the Educational Society Patron, and the private kindergartens “To mikro Gyri” and “To Rodi”.


- 203 University students

- 13 University teachers

- 1129 Children

- 30 Schools

- 19 Workshops were organised


5th Children’s Festival

The 5th Children's Festival was held June 2-6, 2014.

The Organising Committee undertook the whole organisation and coordination of the event. For the first time, the O.C. used the social media (blog and Facebook) in order to publicise the Festival and further inform the Festival’s followers. Also, they launched a competition to design the poster of the Festival.

The 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 27th, 34th, 37th, 44th 48th, 56th, 69th and 71st Kindergartens, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Fragka, the 1st and 4th Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the Kindergarten “Paramythi”.


- 131 University students

- 10 University teachers

- 860 Children

- 23 Schools

- 11 Workshops were organised


4th Children’s Festival

The 4th Children’s Festival was held in the last week of May 2013.

The 4th Children’s Festival was held in the last week of May 2013. The Organising Committee undertook the whole organisation and coordination of the event. For the first time, the O.C. used the social media (blogs and Facebook) in order to publicise the Festival and further inform the Festival’s followers. Also, they launched a competition to design the poster of the Festival.

The schools that attended the 4th Children's Festival were: The 3rd, 12th, 21st, 44th and 51st Kindergartens, the Kindergarten of Castle Kyllini, the Seashore Kindergarten, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the Kindergarten of Rododafni, the Kindergarten of Agios Vasilios, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the Nursery “Iliohora”.


- 140 University students

- 8 University teachers

- 650 Children

- 13 Schools

- 9 Workshops were organised

3rd Children’s Festival

The Children’s Festival became more known to the educational community and the interest of the students started to grow.

Firstly, an announcement was posted in order to inform the students of the voluntary participation in the Children’s Festival. Then, an open event took place in order to familiarise the students with the objectives and the activities of the Festival and to form the Organising Committee. The open event was followed by a series of meetings between the university teachers and the volunteers students in order to discuss ideas for creative, innovative and educational activities.

The Festival took place late May - early June and for a week seven workshops were fully-functional in a daily basis. The basic requirements for the workshops to take place were the educational orientation of the activities, the use of useless and natural materials and finally the respect to the university’s natural environment.

The schools that attended the 3rd Children's festival were: The 1st Kindergarten and Primary School for Children with Special Needs, the Kindergarten of Kato Kastritsi, the 21st and 48th Kindergartens, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the “Sotirhopoulos” private Kindergarten.


- 200 University students

- 6 University teachers

- 250 Children

- 7 Schools

- 7 Workshops were organised


2nd Children’s Festival

In June 2011, the second Children’s Festival was held in the premises of the D.E.S.E.C.E.

Many actions took place for the second Festival such as designing the event’s poster, the premises were cleaned and properly decorated and the Festival was supported financially by the Department and the University. The Festival was ready to accommodate the two schools, hosted on university campus, the Experimental Kindergarten and the Municipal Day Care Centre of Rio.


- 51 University students

- 2 University teachers

- 100 Children

- 2 Schools

- 3 Workshops were organised

1st Children’s Festival

The concept of the Children’s Festival began in 2010.

As part of undergraduate courses taught in D.E.S.E.C.E. , a university department that prepares future teachers for the Early Childhood Education. At the end of the academic year of 2009-2010, forty-seven 2nd and 3rd year students visited for one week the two schools that are hosted on the university campus (the Experimental Kindergarten and the Municipal Day Care Centre of Rio), in order to organise creative activities for the toddlers and the preschoolers.

The activities, which were based on various forms of dramatisation and body expression, aimed at improving the physical and motor skills of the children/participants, develop their creative expression, expand their imagination etc.

The students designed the activities using the following structure :

1. Introduction: Introductory games in order to get to know each other, start working with each other, team-building, coordinating with the group, communicating etc.

2. Main Part: the main activity (goal, teaching method, materials used, links with various cognitive areas, verbal instructions, possible variations etc.)

3. Closure: Resting activities, activities of artistic expression such as painting, relaxation, discussion, evaluation etc.


- 47 University students

- 1 University teacher

- 90 Children

- 2 Schools

- 2 Workshops were organised

13th Children's Festival

After two years of virtual operation of the Festival due to coronavirus, the 13th Children's Festival was held live from June 6 to 10, 2022 and welcomed children, teachers and volunteers with great joy. At the same time, during the academic year 2021-22, the Festival:
- organised a training seminar entitled “Messy Play: The sensory play that gets dirty! From theory to practice”
- offered a “Gingerbread Christmas” event
- presented its activities at the 7th Patras lnnovation Quest (PATRAS IQ) 2021
- participated in the event “Soft Skills for the Youth” within the Erasmus+ UPENSKILLS project, and
- at the 1st Panhellenic Conference “Volunteering from the University of Patras in society for solidarity, prosperity & sustainability”.

The schools that attended the 13th Children's Festival were: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 20th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 33rd, 37th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 45th, 46th, 47th, 50th, 54th, 61st, 65th, 71st and 72nd Kindergarten of Patras, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the Kindergarten of Kato Kastritsi, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the Myplayschool, the Gyro gyro oloi, the Pink Balloon, the Agalitsa Kindergarten, and the 6th Primary School of Nafpaktos.
We thank those who helped us in this great event: the Research Committee of the University of Patras, the Hellenic Red Cross Branch of Patras, the Hatoupis Raptis Butcher, Plaisio, Coffee Island, X-Frame, a Greek supermarket chain and, of course, D.E.S.E.C.E.

– 90 students
- 13 University teachers
– 1196 children
– 37 schools
– 29 parents /visitors
22 Workshops were organised with different themes: Renewable Energy Sources, Storytelling, Folk Songs and Dances, Intercultural Education, Mathematics Researchers, The Land of Colors, Puppet Theatre, Musical Fairy Tales, Circus Games, Playpracticum, Participate and Decide, Land Art.

Children_Festival_Poster (1)

12th Children's Festival

The 12 th Children’s Festival experimented with remote teaching!
This year, for one week, from June 7 to 11, 2021, on the Children's Festival YouTube channel: Children's Festival of D.E.S.E.C.E.(, all preschool children had the opportunity to watch in live streaming creative activities and to participate in workshops organized by the students of D.E.S.E.C.E. in collaboration with their teachers.
All the activities are now available to watch on demand in our YouTube channel. Additionally, during the 12 th Children’s Festival:
- we organised a Christmas event, for the students of DESECE and anyone interested,
- we hosted a webinar titled: STEM in kindergarten: ideas and applications, with Eleni Stavropoulou (D.E.S.E.C.E. graduate),
- a new workshop started titled «PlayPracticum» and we posted activities in our website, under the submenu Workshops, and
- the Children’s festival is now recognised as part of the Scientific Student’s Groups of the University of Patras.
We would like to thank for their contribution in organising the 12 th Children’s Festival: the DESEC and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial support, the company Plaisio (Patra’ s store) for product sponsorship, xFrame for hosting our website, Giorgos Pantelidis, creator and administrator of the website and the Blackmore’s Design House for the graphic design.


11th Children's Festival

What happens when suddenly a “tiny creature”, the now famous COVID 19, turns our planet upside down? Adults are beginning to understand the power that little ones can hide, and we are becoming much more creative!

This year we "visited" 101 schools and structures (as many as have visited us in the last ten years) to play with children in a different way… a virtual way. We created activities that children can play either at school or from home, whether with friends or alone, and we posted them on our website, in the WORKSHOPS menu. Now, thanks to the “tiny creature”, everyone can participate in the workshops of our Festival!

In addition, we have organised a Christmas event for the students of D.E.S.EC.E. open to everybody! We had the opportunity to meet each other and get "a little idea" about the Festival!

We would like to thank for their contributions in organising the 11th Children's Festival: the D.E.S.EC.E. and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial support, the Liaison Office of the University of Patras, the Kokkoni Bros. G.P. for product sponsorship, xFrame for hosting our website and Giorgos Pantelidis, creator and administrator of the website.


10th Children's Festival

The 10th Children’s Festival was held from 3th to 7th June 2019.

Throughout the academic year 2018-2019 we celebrated the 10 years of the Festival with a series of actions:

  • - we got a logo
  • - we renewed our website
  • - we organised a seminar on polymer clay and we trained 44 people
  • -we co-organised, with the Regional Department of the Hellenic Red Cross, Patras Branch, a First Aid Training Program for students of the University of Patras and teachers, and we certified 73 people
  • -we participated in the 6th Exhibition Patras IQ 2019

The Kindergartens schools that attended the 10th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 22th, 27th, 29th, 31st, 32nd, 37th, 40th, 42nd, 44th, 46th, 49th, 50th, 52th, 54th, 58th, 61st, 65th, 70th and the 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi’s Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Paralias, the 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the 1st Kindergarten of Rion, the Kindergartens of Lappa, Kaminion, Arlas, Tsoukaleikon, Drepanou and Kallitheas, the 2th Special Primary School, the 7th,14th and 16th Municipal Day Care Centres of Patras, the Day Care Centre of the Hospital P.G.N.P., the private Day Care Centers: “Aerostato”, “Petaloudakia”, “I Chora ton Thavmaton”, “To Rodi”, “O Naftilos”, “Gyro-gyro oloi”, “Mathaino, paizo, gelo”, and the “Mirko Karavi”.

We thank those who helped us in this great event: the Hellenic Red Cross Branch, the University of Patras Research Committee, the companies Exploratory Learning, Xframe, and Digital, Messrs. George Pantelidis, Thanassis Sakkoulis, Nikolaos Rigopoulos, Nikolaos Arvanitakis, Ioannis Gkokas and, of course, our department DESECE.


- 119 University students

- 13 University teachers

- 1774 Children

- 59 General and Special Schools

- parents

– 29 Workshops were organized with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Traditional Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide, Land Art, and Origami.


9th Children’s Festival

The 9th Children’s Festival was held from 4th to 8th June 2018.

This year, the organizing of a thematic workshop was established exclusively by the graduates of D.E.S.E.C.E. aiming at strengthing the relationships between the Department and his/her graduates..

The Kindergartens schools that attended the 9th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 21st, 22th, 25th, 27th, 29th, 30rd, 31st, 32nd, 33th, 37th, 39th, 40th, 42st, 44th, 45th, 46th, 49th, 54th, 56th, 58th, 60th, 61st, 68th, 70th, 71st and the 72nd Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi’s Kindergarten, the 3rd and 4th Kindergarten of Paralias, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st and the 3rd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st Kindergarten of Kaminion, the 1st Kindergarten of Rion, the 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the Kindergarten of Lousikon, the Kindergarten of Araxos Airport, the Kindergarten of Mintilogli, the Kindergarten of Psathopyrgos, the Kindergarten of Tsoukaleikon, the Kindergarten of Roitikon, the Kindergarten of Lakkopetras, the Kindergarten of Arlas, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the private Day Care Centers: “I Chora ton Thavmaton”, “To mikro Gyri”, “O Naftilos” and the “Aerostato”.

We thank the Patras Branch of the Greek Red Cross for their support and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial contribution.


- 118 University students

- 10 University teachers

- 1787 Children

- 62 Schools

- parents

27 Workshops were organized with different themes: Renewable Energy Sources, Storytelling, Folk Songs and Dances, Intercultural Education, Researchers of Mathematics, The Land of Colours, Motor Games, Musical Tales, Circus Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide, Land Art, and Origami.


8th Children’s Festival

The 8th Children’s Festival was held from 5th to 9th June 2017.

This year two charities visited our festival, the Ark of Love and the Smile of the Child Temenis Aigiou.

The schools that attended the 8th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22th, 24th, 27th, 28th, 30rd, 32nd, 33th, 37th, 41st, 44th, 45th, 53rd, 54th, 56th, 60th, 61st, 66th, 67th, 68th, 69th, 70th and the 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st Kindergarten of Kaminion, the 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the Kindergarten of Lousikon, the Kindergarten of Araxos Airport, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the private Day Care Centers “the Wonderland”, “To mikro Gyri”, “Ta Petaloudakia”, “O Naftilos” and the 53rd Primary School of Patras.

The Greek Red Cross was once again on our side.

For the first time, we participated in two big events: the Patras IQ and the Achaia fest!


- 96 University students

- 14 University teachers

- 1619 Children

- 50 Schools

- 2 charitable and non-profit organisations

- parents

- 24 Workshops were organised with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Tongue-untied, Motor Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide.


7th Children’s Festival

The 7th Children’s Festival was held from 30th May to 3rd June 2016.

This year we were pleased to welcome 30 refugee children, who traveled from Myrsini Ilia to participate in the creative activities of the Festival.

The publicity of the Festival was great and the national TV channel ERT1 dedicated 10 minutes of reportage to us!

The Greek Red Cross support us again this year.

The schools that attended the 7th Children's Festival were: the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 28th, 32nd, 33rd, 39th, 44th, 45th, 46th, 54th, 56th, 58th, 60th, 61st, 66th, 69th, 70th, 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the 1st and 3rd Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the Kindergarten of Mintilogli, the Kindergarten of St. Vasileios, the Kindergarten of Psathopyrgos, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, and the private Day Care Centers “the Wonderland” and “To mikro Gyri”.


- 123 University students

- 11 University teachers

- 1429 Children

- 41 Schools

- 18 Workshops were organised with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Traditional Games, Puppets Theatre for Everyone.


6th Children’s Festival

The 6th Children’s Festival was held from 2nd to 5th June 2015.

This year's participation in schools was impressive for its 4 days. The Greek Red Cross participated voluntarily this year as well.

The 9th and the 14th Municipal Day Care Centres of Patras, the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 33th, 37th, 44th 46th, 51st, 54th, 56th, 59th, 69th, 70th and 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the Educational Society Patron, and the private kindergartens “To mikro Gyri” and “To Rodi”.


- 203 University students

- 13 University teachers

- 1129 Children

- 30 Schools

- 19 Workshops were organised


5th Children’s Festival

The 5th Children's Festival was held June 2-6, 2014.

The Organising Committee undertook the whole organisation and coordination of the event. For the first time, the O.C. used the social media (blog and Facebook) in order to publicise the Festival and further inform the Festival’s followers. Also, they launched a competition to design the poster of the Festival.

The 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 27th, 34th, 37th, 44th 48th, 56th, 69th and 71st Kindergartens, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Fragka, the 1st and 4th Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the Kindergarten “Paramythi”.


- 131 University students

- 10 University teachers

- 860 Children

- 23 Schools

- 11 Workshops were organised


4th Children’s Festival

The 4th Children’s Festival was held in the last week of May 2013.

The 4th Children’s Festival was held in the last week of May 2013. The Organising Committee undertook the whole organisation and coordination of the event. For the first time, the O.C. used the social media (blogs and Facebook) in order to publicise the Festival and further inform the Festival’s followers. Also, they launched a competition to design the poster of the Festival.

The schools that attended the 4th Children's Festival were: The 3rd, 12th, 21st, 44th and 51st Kindergartens, the Kindergarten of Castle Kyllini, the Seashore Kindergarten, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the Kindergarten of Rododafni, the Kindergarten of Agios Vasilios, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the Nursery “Iliohora”.


- 140 University students

- 8 University teachers

- 650 Children

- 13 Schools

- 9 Workshops were organised

3rd Children’s Festival

The Children’s Festival became more known to the educational community and the interest of the students started to grow.

Firstly, an announcement was posted in order to inform the students of the voluntary participation in the Children’s Festival. Then, an open event took place in order to familiarise the students with the objectives and the activities of the Festival and to form the Organising Committee. The open event was followed by a series of meetings between the university teachers and the volunteers students in order to discuss ideas for creative, innovative and educational activities.

The Festival took place late May - early June and for a week seven workshops were fully-functional in a daily basis. The basic requirements for the workshops to take place were the educational orientation of the activities, the use of useless and natural materials and finally the respect to the university’s natural environment.

The schools that attended the 3rd Children's festival were: The 1st Kindergarten and Primary School for Children with Special Needs, the Kindergarten of Kato Kastritsi, the 21st and 48th Kindergartens, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the “Sotirhopoulos” private Kindergarten.


- 200 University students

- 6 University teachers

- 250 Children

- 7 Schools

- 7 Workshops were organised


2nd Children’s Festival

In June 2011, the second Children’s Festival was held in the premises of the D.E.S.E.C.E.

Many actions took place for the second Festival such as designing the event’s poster, the premises were cleaned and properly decorated and the Festival was supported financially by the Department and the University. The Festival was ready to accommodate the two schools, hosted on university campus, the Experimental Kindergarten and the Municipal Day Care Centre of Rio.


- 51 University students

- 2 University teachers

- 100 Children

- 2 Schools

- 3 Workshops were organised

1st Children’s Festival

The concept of the Children’s Festival began in 2010.

As part of undergraduate courses taught in D.E.S.E.C.E. , a university department that prepares future teachers for the Early Childhood Education. At the end of the academic year of 2009-2010, forty-seven 2nd and 3rd year students visited for one week the two schools that are hosted on the university campus (the Experimental Kindergarten and the Municipal Day Care Centre of Rio), in order to organise creative activities for the toddlers and the preschoolers.

The activities, which were based on various forms of dramatisation and body expression, aimed at improving the physical and motor skills of the children/participants, develop their creative expression, expand their imagination etc.

The students designed the activities using the following structure :

1. Introduction: Introductory games in order to get to know each other, start working with each other, team-building, coordinating with the group, communicating etc.

2. Main Part: the main activity (goal, teaching method, materials used, links with various cognitive areas, verbal instructions, possible variations etc.)

3. Closure: Resting activities, activities of artistic expression such as painting, relaxation, discussion, evaluation etc.


- 47 University students

- 1 University teacher

- 90 Children

- 2 Schools

- 2 Workshops were organised

13th Children's Festival

After two years of virtual operation of the Festival due to coronavirus, the 13th Children's Festival was held live from June 6 to 10, 2022 and welcomed children, teachers and volunteers with great joy. At the same time, during the academic year 2021-22, the Festival:
- organised a training seminar entitled “Messy Play: The sensory play that gets dirty! From theory to practice”
- offered a “Gingerbread Christmas” event
- presented its activities at the 7th Patras lnnovation Quest (PATRAS IQ) 2021
- participated in the event “Soft Skills for the Youth” within the Erasmus+ UPENSKILLS project, and
- at the 1st Panhellenic Conference “Volunteering from the University of Patras in society for solidarity, prosperity & sustainability”.

The schools that attended the 13th Children's Festival were: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 20th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 33rd, 37th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 45th, 46th, 47th, 50th, 54th, 61st, 65th, 71st and 72nd Kindergarten of Patras, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the Kindergarten of Kato Kastritsi, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the Myplayschool, the Gyro gyro oloi, the Pink Balloon, the Agalitsa Kindergarten, and the 6th Primary School of Nafpaktos.
We thank those who helped us in this great event: the Research Committee of the University of Patras, the Hellenic Red Cross Branch of Patras, the Hatoupis Raptis Butcher, Plaisio, Coffee Island, X-Frame, a Greek supermarket chain and, of course, D.E.S.E.C.E.

– 90 students
- 13 University teachers
– 1196 children
– 37 schools
– 29 parents /visitors
22 Workshops were organised with different themes: Renewable Energy Sources, Storytelling, Folk Songs and Dances, Intercultural Education, Mathematics Researchers, The Land of Colors, Puppet Theatre, Musical Fairy Tales, Circus Games, Playpracticum, Participate and Decide, Land Art.

Children_Festival_Poster (1)

12th Children's Festival

The 12 th Children’s Festival experimented with remote teaching!
This year, for one week, from June 7 to 11, 2021, on the Children's Festival YouTube channel: Children's Festival of D.E.S.E.C.E.(, all preschool children had the opportunity to watch in live streaming creative activities and to participate in workshops organized by the students of D.E.S.E.C.E. in collaboration with their teachers.
All the activities are now available to watch on demand in our YouTube channel. Additionally, during the 12 th Children’s Festival:
- we organised a Christmas event, for the students of DESECE and anyone interested,
- we hosted a webinar titled: STEM in kindergarten: ideas and applications, with Eleni Stavropoulou (D.E.S.E.C.E. graduate),
- a new workshop started titled «PlayPracticum» and we posted activities in our website, under the submenu Workshops, and
- the Children’s festival is now recognised as part of the Scientific Student’s Groups of the University of Patras.
We would like to thank for their contribution in organising the 12 th Children’s Festival: the DESEC and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial support, the company Plaisio (Patra’ s store) for product sponsorship, xFrame for hosting our website, Giorgos Pantelidis, creator and administrator of the website and the Blackmore’s Design House for the graphic design.


11th Children's Festival

What happens when suddenly a “tiny creature”, the now famous COVID 19, turns our planet upside down? Adults are beginning to understand the power that little ones can hide, and we are becoming much more creative!

This year we "visited" 101 schools and structures (as many as have visited us in the last ten years) to play with children in a different way… a virtual way. We created activities that children can play either at school or from home, whether with friends or alone, and we posted them on our website, in the WORKSHOPS menu. Now, thanks to the “tiny creature”, everyone can participate in the workshops of our Festival!

In addition, we have organised a Christmas event for the students of D.E.S.EC.E. open to everybody! We had the opportunity to meet each other and get "a little idea" about the Festival!

We would like to thank for their contributions in organising the 11th Children's Festival: the D.E.S.EC.E. and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial support, the Liaison Office of the University of Patras, the Kokkoni Bros. G.P. for product sponsorship, xFrame for hosting our website and Giorgos Pantelidis, creator and administrator of the website.


10th Children's Festival

The 10th Children’s Festival was held from 3th to 7th June 2019.

Throughout the academic year 2018-2019 we celebrated the 10 years of the Festival with a series of actions:

  • - we got a logo
  • - we renewed our website
  • - we organised a seminar on polymer clay and we trained 44 people
  • -we co-organised, with the Regional Department of the Hellenic Red Cross, Patras Branch, a First Aid Training Program for students of the University of Patras and teachers, and we certified 73 people
  • -we participated in the 6th Exhibition Patras IQ 2019

The Kindergartens schools that attended the 10th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 22th, 27th, 29th, 31st, 32nd, 37th, 40th, 42nd, 44th, 46th, 49th, 50th, 52th, 54th, 58th, 61st, 65th, 70th and the 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi’s Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Paralias, the 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the 1st Kindergarten of Rion, the Kindergartens of Lappa, Kaminion, Arlas, Tsoukaleikon, Drepanou and Kallitheas, the 2th Special Primary School, the 7th,14th and 16th Municipal Day Care Centres of Patras, the Day Care Centre of the Hospital P.G.N.P., the private Day Care Centers: “Aerostato”, “Petaloudakia”, “I Chora ton Thavmaton”, “To Rodi”, “O Naftilos”, “Gyro-gyro oloi”, “Mathaino, paizo, gelo”, and the “Mirko Karavi”.

We thank those who helped us in this great event: the Hellenic Red Cross Branch, the University of Patras Research Committee, the companies Exploratory Learning, Xframe, and Digital, Messrs. George Pantelidis, Thanassis Sakkoulis, Nikolaos Rigopoulos, Nikolaos Arvanitakis, Ioannis Gkokas and, of course, our department DESECE.


- 119 University students

- 13 University teachers

- 1774 Children

- 59 General and Special Schools

- parents

– 29 Workshops were organized with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Traditional Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide, Land Art, and Origami.


9th Children’s Festival

The 9th Children’s Festival was held from 4th to 8th June 2018.

This year, the organizing of a thematic workshop was established exclusively by the graduates of D.E.S.E.C.E. aiming at strengthing the relationships between the Department and his/her graduates..

The Kindergartens schools that attended the 9th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 21st, 22th, 25th, 27th, 29th, 30rd, 31st, 32nd, 33th, 37th, 39th, 40th, 42st, 44th, 45th, 46th, 49th, 54th, 56th, 58th, 60th, 61st, 68th, 70th, 71st and the 72nd Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi’s Kindergarten, the 3rd and 4th Kindergarten of Paralias, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st and the 3rd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st Kindergarten of Kaminion, the 1st Kindergarten of Rion, the 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the Kindergarten of Lousikon, the Kindergarten of Araxos Airport, the Kindergarten of Mintilogli, the Kindergarten of Psathopyrgos, the Kindergarten of Tsoukaleikon, the Kindergarten of Roitikon, the Kindergarten of Lakkopetras, the Kindergarten of Arlas, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the private Day Care Centers: “I Chora ton Thavmaton”, “To mikro Gyri”, “O Naftilos” and the “Aerostato”.

We thank the Patras Branch of the Greek Red Cross for their support and the Research Committee of the University of Patras for their financial contribution.


- 118 University students

- 10 University teachers

- 1787 Children

- 62 Schools

- parents

27 Workshops were organized with different themes: Renewable Energy Sources, Storytelling, Folk Songs and Dances, Intercultural Education, Researchers of Mathematics, The Land of Colours, Motor Games, Musical Tales, Circus Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide, Land Art, and Origami.


8th Children’s Festival

The 8th Children’s Festival was held from 5th to 9th June 2017.

This year two charities visited our festival, the Ark of Love and the Smile of the Child Temenis Aigiou.

The schools that attended the 8th Children's Festival were: the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22th, 24th, 27th, 28th, 30rd, 32nd, 33th, 37th, 41st, 44th, 45th, 53rd, 54th, 56th, 60th, 61st, 66th, 67th, 68th, 69th, 70th and the 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Demenikon, the 1st Kindergarten of Kaminion, the 2nd Kindergarten of Kato Achaias, the Kindergarten of Lousikon, the Kindergarten of Araxos Airport, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the private Day Care Centers “the Wonderland”, “To mikro Gyri”, “Ta Petaloudakia”, “O Naftilos” and the 53rd Primary School of Patras.

The Greek Red Cross was once again on our side.

For the first time, we participated in two big events: the Patras IQ and the Achaia fest!


- 96 University students

- 14 University teachers

- 1619 Children

- 50 Schools

- 2 charitable and non-profit organisations

- parents

- 24 Workshops were organised with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Tongue-untied, Motor Games, Robotic Explorations, Participate and Decide.


7th Children’s Festival

The 7th Children’s Festival was held from 30th May to 3rd June 2016.

This year we were pleased to welcome 30 refugee children, who traveled from Myrsini Ilia to participate in the creative activities of the Festival.

The publicity of the Festival was great and the national TV channel ERT1 dedicated 10 minutes of reportage to us!

The Greek Red Cross support us again this year.

The schools that attended the 7th Children's Festival were: the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 28th, 32nd, 33rd, 39th, 44th, 45th, 46th, 54th, 56th, 58th, 60th, 61st, 66th, 69th, 70th, 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Experimental Kindergarten of the University of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the 1st and 3rd Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Vrahneika, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten of Ovryas, the Kindergarten of Mintilogli, the Kindergarten of St. Vasileios, the Kindergarten of Psathopyrgos, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, and the private Day Care Centers “the Wonderland” and “To mikro Gyri”.


- 123 University students

- 11 University teachers

- 1429 Children

- 41 Schools

- 18 Workshops were organised with different themes: The Land of Colours, Storytelling, Circus Games, Renewable Energy Sources, Intercultural Education, Musical Tales, Folk Songs and Dances, Researchers of Mathematics, Traditional Games, Puppets Theatre for Everyone.


6th Children’s Festival

The 6th Children’s Festival was held from 2nd to 5th June 2015.

This year's participation in schools was impressive for its 4 days. The Greek Red Cross participated voluntarily this year as well.

The 9th and the 14th Municipal Day Care Centres of Patras, the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 33th, 37th, 44th 46th, 51st, 54th, 56th, 59th, 69th, 70th and 71st Kindergartens of Patras, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Ovryas, the 1st Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the Educational Society Patron, and the private kindergartens “To mikro Gyri” and “To Rodi”.


- 203 University students

- 13 University teachers

- 1129 Children

- 30 Schools

- 19 Workshops were organised


5th Children’s Festival

The 5th Children's Festival was held June 2-6, 2014.

The Organising Committee undertook the whole organisation and coordination of the event. For the first time, the O.C. used the social media (blog and Facebook) in order to publicise the Festival and further inform the Festival’s followers. Also, they launched a competition to design the poster of the Festival.

The 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 27th, 34th, 37th, 44th 48th, 56th, 69th and 71st Kindergartens, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 1st Kindergarten of Fragka, the 1st and 4th Kindergarten of Beach Patron, the Kindergarten “Paramythi”.


- 131 University students

- 10 University teachers

- 860 Children

- 23 Schools

- 11 Workshops were organised


4th Children’s Festival

The 4th Children’s Festival was held in the last week of May 2013.

The 4th Children’s Festival was held in the last week of May 2013. The Organising Committee undertook the whole organisation and coordination of the event. For the first time, the O.C. used the social media (blogs and Facebook) in order to publicise the Festival and further inform the Festival’s followers. Also, they launched a competition to design the poster of the Festival.

The schools that attended the 4th Children's Festival were: The 3rd, 12th, 21st, 44th and 51st Kindergartens, the Kindergarten of Castle Kyllini, the Seashore Kindergarten, the Kato Kastritsi Kindergarten, the Experimental Kindergarten, the Kindergarten of Rododafni, the Kindergarten of Agios Vasilios, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the Nursery “Iliohora”.


- 140 University students

- 8 University teachers

- 650 Children

- 13 Schools

- 9 Workshops were organised

3rd Children’s Festival

The Children’s Festival became more known to the educational community and the interest of the students started to grow.

Firstly, an announcement was posted in order to inform the students of the voluntary participation in the Children’s Festival. Then, an open event took place in order to familiarise the students with the objectives and the activities of the Festival and to form the Organising Committee. The open event was followed by a series of meetings between the university teachers and the volunteers students in order to discuss ideas for creative, innovative and educational activities.

The Festival took place late May - early June and for a week seven workshops were fully-functional in a daily basis. The basic requirements for the workshops to take place were the educational orientation of the activities, the use of useless and natural materials and finally the respect to the university’s natural environment.

The schools that attended the 3rd Children's festival were: The 1st Kindergarten and Primary School for Children with Special Needs, the Kindergarten of Kato Kastritsi, the 21st and 48th Kindergartens, the Experimental Kindergarten, the 14th Municipal Day Care Centre of Patras, the “Sotirhopoulos” private Kindergarten.


- 200 University students

- 6 University teachers

- 250 Children

- 7 Schools

- 7 Workshops were organised


2nd Children’s Festival

In June 2011, the second Children’s Festival was held in the premises of the D.E.S.E.C.E.

Many actions took place for the second Festival such as designing the event’s poster, the premises were cleaned and properly decorated and the Festival was supported financially by the Department and the University. The Festival was ready to accommodate the two schools, hosted on university campus, the Experimental Kindergarten and the Municipal Day Care Centre of Rio.


- 51 University students

- 2 University teachers

- 100 Children

- 2 Schools

- 3 Workshops were organised

1st Children’s Festival

The concept of the Children’s Festival began in 2010.

As part of undergraduate courses taught in D.E.S.E.C.E. , a university department that prepares future teachers for the Early Childhood Education. At the end of the academic year of 2009-2010, forty-seven 2nd and 3rd year students visited for one week the two schools that are hosted on the university campus (the Experimental Kindergarten and the Municipal Day Care Centre of Rio), in order to organise creative activities for the toddlers and the preschoolers.

The activities, which were based on various forms of dramatisation and body expression, aimed at improving the physical and motor skills of the children/participants, develop their creative expression, expand their imagination etc.

The students designed the activities using the following structure :

1. Introduction: Introductory games in order to get to know each other, start working with each other, team-building, coordinating with the group, communicating etc.

2. Main Part: the main activity (goal, teaching method, materials used, links with various cognitive areas, verbal instructions, possible variations etc.)

3. Closure: Resting activities, activities of artistic expression such as painting, relaxation, discussion, evaluation etc.


- 47 University students

- 1 University teacher

- 90 Children

- 2 Schools

- 2 Workshops were organised